About ME
This work is not just what I do. It’s who I am. And I’ll be there—because I care.
I’ve been initiated by deep pain; humbled by the fire, and emerged with an unshakable truth: every man is whole beneath the weight of his story.
The work is about remembering.

My life would have been far less painful if I had known about men’s work. I didn’t realize that living a good life could be so simple. I distinctly remember sitting in my mum’s car at the age of 23 after having my testicle removed due to a high probability of cancer. I felt so scared, alone, and completely unable to comprehend how to get through the next period of time with the prospect of the cancer spreading throughout my body.
The next day, I went to work and then to the pub with my friend and didn’t tell him a thing. I pretended everything was completely normal. But inside, I was breaking. Just two years before this I lay on a ski slope in France with a shattered spine and no feeling from the neck down. It took a 9 hour operation and a huge amount of grace to be able to walk again.
I tried drugs, sex, work, money, success, and distraction to cover feelings of unworthiness—not being good enough, and a deep feeling of being somehow broken or bad. It worked for a bit, and then it got worse.
I had to choose another path. I did the work, I dedicated my life to healing myself. The more I did the more alive I felt, it was almost an obsession. I devoted myself to it every day, did the hours of mind, body, soul practice, read the books, joined the transformational retreats. I travelled the world and remembered who I was.
I don’t want another man to suffer in silence, with nobody to talk to, no arms to rest back in during times of need. I envision tribes of men forming around the entire globe, and when one man falls down, there are ten to pick him back up. This is what I needed at 23 years old, and this is why I have dedicated the last seven years of my life building it.

I am not a finished product—none of us are. I am a human being, shaped by my own scars, my own shadows. But I care. Deeply.
I am a guide—through the dark and the light, through the depths of uncertainty and into the wild lands of truth. I sat in the high Himalayas, learned from great teachers, and connected with plant medicine -exploring the vast landscapes of my own soul, finding wisdom in unlikely places that no book could teach. These experiences have revealed illuminating insights into the nature of self, reminding me—again and again —that healing is a path we must walk, not just understand.
For the past six years, I have guided hundreds of men- leading in one of the U.K’s biggest men’s work organisations. I have led cutting edge 8 month facilitator training programmes, one-on-one coaching programmes, bespoke retreats, and group immersions—helping men reclaim their power, step into their truth, and embody the life they were born to live.
This work is not just what I do. It’s who I am. And I’ll be there—because I care.
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